ABB的Expert Optimizer帮助水泥厂提高产量

来源/作者:中华工控网| 发布:智能装备网|发布时间:2021-11-25|阅读:350

ABB’s Expert Optimizer increases production at cement plant
ABB的Expert Optimizer帮助水泥厂提高产量
Baden, Switzerland, January 21, 2008 – ABB announced the successful commissioning of its MPC-based Expert Optimizer solution at Buzzi Unicem USA Inc.’s Signal Mountain plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Part of ABB’s Collaborative Production Management suite, Expert Optimizer was installed at the Signal Mountain vertical raw mill and cement mill.

瑞士Baden1月21日消息——ABB宣布其基于MPC的Expert Optimizer解决方案在Buzzi Unicem美国公司位于田纳西州查塔努加的Signal Mountain工厂成功调试完毕。作为ABB协同生产管理套件的一部分,Expert Optimizer安装在Signal Mountain工厂的立式生料磨和水泥磨上。

Buzzi selected ABB for this upgrade project based on past experience with ABB; as numerous other Buzzi plants around the world use ABB solutions. Installation started in the middle of September and was successfully completed in the middle of October 2007.


Both the raw mill and cement mill increased production after the Expert Optimizer installation. Prior to this project, the raw mill at times was a process bottleneck for the entire plant. Expert Optimizer’s MPC technology helped to reduce this limitation by improving its performance. This has translated into an incremental increase in clinker production. Expert Optimizer has also improved process stability by providing a more consistent feed to the kiln, resulting in increased production.

无论是生料磨还是水泥磨,在安装Expert Optimizer之后都增加了产量。在此项目之前,生料磨有时是整个工厂的一个过程瓶颈。Expert Optimizer的MPC技术有助于减少这种限制,改善其性能。这已经转化为一种渐进式的增加熟料生产。Expert Optimizer还通过提供一个更一致的进料和进窑,进而提高产量,改善流程的稳定性。“

ABB’s Expert Optimizer advanced process control software helps customers achieve continuous process optimization. Part of ABB’s Collaborative Production Management suite, it coordinates the setpoints of the different parts of the process and immediately detects deviations among the different parts of the operation. By expertly applying MPC, Expert Optimizer is able to stabilize and then optimize the process, which helps plant management to reach their profitability and sustainability goals.

ABB的Expert Optimizer高级过程控制软件可帮助客户实现持续的流程优化。作为ABB协同生产管理套件的一部分,它负责协调不同流程部分的设定点,并立刻侦测不同运作部分之间的偏差。通过熟练运用MPC技术,Expert Optimizer能够稳定从而优化流程,这有助于工厂管理,以达到其盈利性和可持续性的目标。

Scott Henninger, Production Manager at Signal Mountain said “We’ve been really pleased with how the installation went and, of course, with the outcome. Having Expert Optimizer installed with its MPC has been a real improvement to production and the business.”

Signal Mountain工厂的生产经理Scott Henninger表示:”我们真的很高兴安装顺利进行,当然,结果也不错。拥有安装了其MPC技术的Expert Optimizer对生产和业务是一个真正的改善。“

ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 111,000 people.



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