
来源/作者:海上工程师| 发布时间:2021-09-19|阅读:269

中国石化新闻网讯 据海上工程师网2021年9月16日报道,美国通用电气公司(GE)旗下的可再生能源公司周四(9月16日)表示,该公司已与Fraunhofer IGCV和voxeljet AG公司合作,共同研发全球最大的用于海上风电应用的3D打印机,以加快GE Halade - X海上风力涡轮机关键部件的生产。

  正在开发中的先进铸造单元(ACC) 3D打印机将受益于德国联邦经济事务和能源部的财政支持,该打印机将能够打印模具,为GE Haliade-X的机舱铸造部件,每个部件的重量超过60吨。 将制作这种图案和模具的时间从10周或10周以上减少到两周。

  此外,GE表示,3D打印机的使用有望减少产品的碳足迹,因为无需从中央制造地点运输大型部件。 合作伙伴预计在今年第三季度启动这个项目,并在2022年第一季度开始对打印机进行初步试验。


  李峻 编译自 海上工程师


  GE, Partners Building World’s Largest 3D Printer for Offshore Wind

  GE Renewable Energy said Thursday it has partnered up with Fraunhofer IGCV and voxeljet AG in a research to develop the world’s largest 3D printer for offshore wind applications in order to speed up the production of key components of GE’s Haliade-X offshore wind turbine.

  The Advance Casting Cell (ACC) 3D printer under development will benefit from financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and will be capable of printing molds to cast components for the nacelle of the GE Haliade-X that can each weigh more than 60 metric tons, reducing the time it takes to produce this pattern and mold from ten weeks or more to just two weeks.

  In addition, GE said, the use of the 3D printer is expected to reduce the product’s carbon footprint by eliminating the need to transport the large parts from a central manufacturing location. The partners expect to launch the project during the third quarter of 2021 with initial printer trials starting during the first quarter of 2022.

  The project involves the development of a new, large-format 3D printer capable of producing sand molds for casting the highly complex metal parts of different shapes and sizes that make up an offshore wind turbine nacelle. The modular 3D printing process, which is based on voxeljet’s core “Binder-Jetting” technology, can be configured to print molds for castings up to 9.5 meters in diameter and 60-plus tons in weight, dimensions, the partners said.

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