展望未来:HANNOVER MESSE(汉诺威工业展览会)展示未来工业技术Part 2

来源/作者:中华工控网| 发布:智能装备网|发布时间:2021-11-25|阅读:464

(接 part 1)


normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">At the interface of key industrial technologies

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">在关键工业技术的层面上

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With its unique constellation of ten international flagship trade shows, HANNOVER MESSE 2006 brings together all the key areas of industrial production, energy, services and R&D in one place and at one time. The trade shows INTERKAMA+ and Factory Automation, plus the new Industrial Building Automation, are essential viewing for anyone interested in industrial automation. These three trade shows occupy in total value="59000" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">59,000 m² of floor space, making industrial automation the largest single display category at HANNOVER MESSE 2006.

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通过其独有汇集了的十大主题国际展览会,HANNOVER MESSE 2006在同一时间同一地点内集中了工业生产、能源、服务和研发的关键领域。“INTERKAMA+”和“工厂自动化展”,以及新“工业建筑自动化展”,是任何关注工业自动化人士的关心焦点。这三个展会共占据了59,000平方米的展位面积,使工业自动化成为HANNOVER MESSE 2006最大的单项展示类别。

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The next largest group of exhibits (over value="30000" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">30,000 m²) is the trade fair "Energy", which showcases the complete spectrum of energy technologies for conventional and renewable energy. This year "Energy" is complemented for the first time by the new trade show "Pipeline Technology", which focuses on the energy-related field of pipeline and drainage networks.

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Apart from automation and energy, HANNOVER MESSE 2006 brings together innovations from the key areas of industrial technology that cut across conventional industrial categories. "Subcontracting" is the leading display platform for suppliers of industrial materials, components and systems. With almost value="27800" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">27,800 m² of display area, this is the third largest thematic segment at this year's HANNOVER MESSE. "Digital Factory" presents IT solutions and services for industrial processes, while the new trade show "Industrial Facility Management & Services" features technology and services for the maintenance of industrial facilities and the specialist discipline known as "condition monitoring". "MicroTechnology" is once again the leading showcase for applied microsystems technology and new products based on nanotechnologies. Finally, the "Innovations Market Research & Technology" brings to Hannover a whole mixed bag of up-to-the-minute technical research projects for every section of manufacturing industry.

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除了自动化和能源之外,HANNOVER MESSE 2006还集中带来了横跨所有常规工业类别的关键领域工业技术的技术创新。“分承包技术展”是工业材料、部件和系统供应商的主要展示平台。占地27,800平方米,是今届展会的第三大的主题部分。“数字工厂”展示了工业过程的IT解决方案和服务,而“工业设备管理及服务”则带来了维护工业设备的技术和服务以及人们所知的“状态监测”专员纪律。“微型技术”再一次展示了领先的基于纳米技术的应用微型系统技术和新产品。最后,“创新市场研究及技术”给本届展会带来了生产工业每一个领域的最新的技术研究项目这样一个大集中。

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International technology event sends out positive signals

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">国际技术活动发出积极的信号

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As HANNOVER MESSE 2006 prepares to open its doors to the public, the mood in industry is looking distinctly more upbeat. The total display area at this year's show is some eight per cent larger than in 2004, up from 143,416 to value="154796" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">154,796 m². The number of exhibitors has also risen slightly, from value="5085" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">5,085 in 2004 to 5,175 this year.

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随着HANNOVER MESSE 2006 准备向公众敞开大门工业界人士的心情显得更乐观。本届展会的总展示面积比2004年增加了8%,从143,416154,796平方米。参展商数量也略有上升,从2004年的5,085家到今年的5,175家。

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The number of foreign exhibitors at HANNOVER MESSE 2006 likewise signals an upward trend in business activity. Since 2004 the total display area booked by foreign exhibitors has increased by more than 20 per cent to value="45250" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">45,250 m². This year a total of 2,322 foreign exhibitors are coming to HANNOVER MESSE - some five per cent more than in 2004. The largest national contingent is coming from this year's "Partner Country" India (343 exhibitors), followed by China (250 exhibitors), Italy (210 exhibitors), Switzerland (138 exhibitors) and Turkey (103 exhibitors).

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的外国参展商数量同样发出了商业活动有上升趋势的信号。从2004年开始外国展商的预定展示面积增加了20%,达到45,250平方米。今年共有2,322家外国参展商来到汉诺威,比2004年增加了5% 。最大的国家代表团是来自今年的“合作伙伴国家”——印度(343家参展商),其后是中国(250家参展商),意大利(210家参展商),瑞士(138家参展商)和土耳其(103家参展商)。

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Sepp D. Heckmann sums it up as follows: "only HANNOVER MESSE presents such a detailed and complete line-up of the latest solutions and technologies for industry. Despite intensive competition, HANNOVER MESSE 2006 is once again set to be the most important technology event of the year for the world's industry."

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normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">Sepp D. Heckmann最后这样总结:“只有汉诺威展览会可以展出如此具体而完整的最新的工业解决方案和技术。尽管竞争激烈,但HANNOVER MESSE 2006再一次成为本年度世界工业最重要的技术事件。”


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