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normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-outline-level: 2">BP and GE to Develop Hydrogen Power Plants and Technologies

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-outline-level: 2">BPGE联合开发氢能发电厂和技术

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">LONDON, July 18, 2006--BP and GE today announced their intention to jointly develop and deploy hydrogen power projects that dramatically reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from electricity generation. Vivienne Cox, BP's Chief Executive of Gas, Power and Renewables, and David L. Calhoun, Vice Chairman of GE and president and CEO of GE Infrastructure, signed the agreement today in London.

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">伦敦718日消息——BPGE 今天宣布他们联合开发和展开氢气发电项目计划,从而可以极大减少发电产生的温室气体二氧化碳的排放。BP公司气体、能源和可再生能源部首席执行官Vivienne Cox GE副总裁兼GE基础组织部主席及首席执行官David L. Calhoun今天在伦敦签署了合作协议。

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">The world will continue to make extensive use of fossil fuels, such as natural gas and coal, for power generation for the foreseeable future, but technology now allows this to be done more cleanly by creating hydrogen from fossil fuels while capturing and sequestering the carbon as carbon dioxide in deep geological formations. To facilitate this advancement, BP and GE will collaborate on power, carbon capture and sequestration technologies.

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">在可预见的未来,全球仍将继续大规模使用天然气和煤等化石燃料发电,但现在的技术使得这一切可以完成得更洁净,就是通过从化石燃料中制造氢气,同时采集和储存碳,因为二氧化碳在地质组成较深的地方。为了推动这一发展,BPGE将在能源、碳采集和存储技术方面展开合作。

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">"The combination of our two companies' skills and resources in this area is formidable, and is the latest example of our intent to make a real difference in the face of the challenge of climate change," said BP's Vivienne Cox. "BP and GE's strategic approaches to developing increasingly cleaner, lower carbon power options are closely aligned and our skills and strengths are highly complementary."

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">Vivienne Cox表示:“我们两家公司在这领域技术和资源的联合是非常强大的,而且这是我们决心的一个最新写照,面对气候变化的挑战创造一个真正的区别。BPGE开发愈加洁净且更少二氧化碳排放的发电技术的战略步骤紧密相连,我们的技术和实力得到了高度补充。”

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">"Tomorrow's energy mix will include hydrogen - and GE and BP are taking the lead in ensuring progress begins today," said David Calhoun of GE. "This initiative will demonstrate that our companies' leading-edge technologies can make hydrogen production efficient, reliable, and economical for large-scale, commercial power production. Our financial strength will ensure it happens now globally, changing the way we envision our energy future."

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">David Calhoun则表示:“未来的能源混合将包括氢能,而BPGE正领导确保着这一进步从现在开始。这一首创将表明我们两家公司的尖端技术可以为大型的商用发电实现高效、可靠而经济的氢能发电。我们的财政实力将确保它现在全球范围实现,改变我们预想未来能源的观念。”

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">BP has already announced plans for two such hydrogen power projects with carbon capture and sequestration in Scotland and California, both of which will use GE technology. Subject to appropriate regulatory and fiscal regimes being in place, and necessary due diligence, the companies have an ambition to progress 10 to 15 further projects over the next decade, including the plants in Scotland and California. Subject to further exploration, the current expectation is that the most appropriate structure may be through creation of a joint venture to invest in hydrogen power projects and a joint development agreement for development of related technology. As a first step, BP and GE would jointly participate in the two hydrogen power projects with carbon capture and sequestration BP has announced - at Peterhead in Scotland and at Carson in Southern California where Scottish and Southern Energy and Edison Mission Energy are partners respectively.

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">BP已经宣布两个这样的采集和储存碳的氢能发电项目,分别位于苏格兰和加利福尼亚州,两个项目均应用了GE的技术。遵从适当的调节和恰当的财政制度,以及必要的谨慎处理, 两家公司决定在未来的十年里发展1015个此类发电项目,包括位于苏格兰和加利福尼亚州的发电厂。为了适应更进一步的探索,当前的预想就是可以通过创立一个合资公司,投资氢气能电项目,以及签署一份开发相关技术的联合开发协议,从而组成一个最佳结构。作为第一步,BPGE将联合参与BP宣布了的两个氢能发电项目,一个位于苏格兰的Peterhead,另一个位于南加州的Carson,这两个项目的合作伙伴分别是Scottish公司和Southern Energy公司,以及Edison Mission Energy公司。

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%"> 

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">Such low carbon power projects use fossil fuels such as natural gas, petroleum coke or coal for power generation combined with carbon dioxide capture and storage technology. They generate significant quantities of base-load power while capturing and storing some 90% of the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be emitted, in deep geological formations.

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">此类低碳电力项目结合二氧化碳采集和存储技术,利用天然气、石化焦碳或者煤等化石燃料发电。它们产生大量的基本载重功率,同时采集和储存大约90%的从地质组成深处释放出来的二氧化碳。

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">BP and GE will apply some of the world's leading technologies, project experience and assets to optimise the integrated design. The collaborative effort will draw upon the companies' technologies and experience in areas such as coal gasification, reforming technology, gas turbines and carbon capture and storage.

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">BPGE 将应用一些世界领先的技术、项目经验和资产优化综合设计。该合作项目将利用这两家公司在多个领域的技术和经验,例如煤气化、重整技术、气体涡轮技术和碳采集和存储技术。

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">"The combination of coal gasification and carbon capture and sequestration is crucial for clean coal development and presents great opportunities for countries with substantial reserves of coal such as the USA, China and India," says Lewis Gillies, BP's Director of Hydrogen Power.

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">BP氢能源部经理Lewis Gillies表示:“煤气化技术和碳采集和储存技术的结合对洁净煤的开发至关重要,而且给美国、中国和印度等煤储量丰富的国家带来了良机。”

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">"GE and BP are combining our resources to develop economically attractive, breakthrough technologies in the area of hydrogen to power. This will allow power producers to use abundant, low-cost fossil fuel resources to generate electricity with very low carbon dioxide emissions," said Edward Lowe, general manager of GE Energy's gasification business.

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">GE 能源公司气化事业部总经理Edward Lowe表示:“GEBP正在联合我们的资源,开发氢能发电领域经济、引人的突破性技术。这将使得电力生产者可以利用丰富低廉的石化燃料资源发电,而且二氧化碳排放量低。”

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">In addition to the complementary nature of the technologies and experience of the two companies, the collaboration is expected to be further strengthened by the global reach of each of the partners. GE's operations in Houston and BP's operations in London will form the core groups for the hydrogen power collaboration. 

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 11.25pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 125%; mso-pagination: widow-orphan">除了这两家公司的技术和经验得到补充,这项合作预计通过每个合作伙伴的全球延伸得到进一步的加强。GE在休斯顿的运作和BP在伦敦的运作将形成该氢能发电合作项目的核心集团。


标签: GE 伦敦 电力
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