
来源/作者:中华工控网| 发布:智能装备网|发布时间:2021-11-25|阅读:510

Microsoft Launches the Chemical Reference Architecture Initiative

New Microsoft and Accenture study underscores industry need for tighter collaboration, more flexible IT infrastructure and cloud computing solutions.


Sept.20, 2011 — Microsoft Corp. today launched the Microsoft Chemical Reference Architecture (ChemRA) Initiative, an effort led by Microsoft to develop, along with its partners that provide solutions to the chemical and oil refining industries, a reference architecture framework that will help address business and technological needs for customers in the industry. ChemRA will benefit customers by allowing them to implement interoperable IT solutions built on a solid, secure and reliable foundation while providing great user experience and business insight as well as allowing for easy collaboration and business processes automation. Microsoft partners currently endorsing and participating in the ChemRA Initiative include Accenture, Aspen Technology Inc., Invensys Operations Management Inc., OSIsoft LLC, PROS Holdings Inc., and Siemens (industrial automation systems, manufacturing execution system). The initiative was kicked off today at the MESA 2011 North America Conference in Orlando, Fla.

9月20日消息——微软公司今天公布了微软化工参考架构(ChemRA)计划,一项由微软领导并与其合作伙伴共同开发、为化工和炼油行业提供解决方案的计划,一个有助于满足工业客户业务和技术需求的参考架构框架。ChemRA将使客户获益,使他们能够在一个稳固、安全和可靠的基础上实现互操作的IT解决方案,同时提供了极佳的用户体验和业务洞察力,以及实现轻松的协作和业务流程自动化。目前认可并参与ChemRA计划的微软合作伙伴包括埃森哲公司、艾斯本技术公司、英维斯运营管理公司、OSIsoft有限责任公司、PROS 控股公司以及西门子(工业自动化系统,制造执行系统)。该计划是在今天的佛罗里达州奥兰多MESA 2011北美大会上开始的。

“The need for collaboration among chemicals professionals is great, driven by a push for faster innovation and the pressing need for knowledge transfer from retiring workers,” said Ellyn Foltz, managing director, Worldwide Process Manufacturing Industries, Microsoft. “ChemRA provides a response to the business and technology challenges our customers and partners face today. We are helping our customers more effectively interact with and share information to compete and succeed in today’s dynamic global marketplace.”

微软全球过程制造工业董事总经理Ellyn Foltz表示:“化工人士之间的合作需求很大,主要是更快的创新推动和退休工人知识转移的迫切需要。ChemRA正是响应了我们的客户和合作伙伴现今所面临的业务和技术挑战。我们正在帮助我们的客户更有效地互动和分享信息,在当今瞬息万变的全球市场中竞争并取得成功。”

ChemRA offers an IT-based framework that addresses the business and technical challenges in the chemical industry, such as increased complexity of global supply networks, the pressing need for innovation management that allows for nurturing new ideas, and bringing new products to market fast. ChemRA also addresses the need to capture and share people’s knowledge especially as they approach retirement, and the need to have visibility into the operations in manufacturing, supply chain and research and development. ChemRA also establishes guidance and best practices to leverage existing technologies, while implementing new and future technologies in a way that fits into the operators IT environment.


Development of the chemicals reference architecture will be an ongoing effort led by Microsoft, with close collaboration by participating companies, independent software vendors, systems integrators and customer in-house developers. ChemRA is based on a set of common principles that will meet the technology needs in the chemical and oil refining industries. These principles include natural user experience, application interoperability, enhanced collaboration, business insight and solid IT infrastructure.


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