
来源/作者:中华工控网| 发布:智能装备网|发布时间:2021-11-25|阅读:408

Apple & GE Partner to Bring Predix Industrial Apps to iPhone & iPad

Apple and GE announced a partnership to deliver powerful industrial apps designed to bring predictive data and analytics from Predix, GE’s industrial Internet of Things (IoT) platform, to iPhone and iPad. The two companies unveiled a new Predix software development kit (SDK) for iOS, which gives developers the tools to make their own powerful industrial IoT apps. 


“GE is an ideal partner with a rich history of innovation across the industrial world in areas like aviation, manufacturing, healthcare and energy,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “Together, Apple and GE are fundamentally changing how the industrial world works by combining GE’s Predix platform with the power and simplicity of iPhone and iPad.”

苹果首席执行官Tim Cook表示:“GE是一个理想的合作伙伴,其在航空、制造、医疗和能源等工业领域拥有丰富的创新历史。通过将GE的Predix平台与iPhone和iPad的强大和简单性结合在一起,苹果和GE从根本上改变了工业界的工作原理。”

“The partnership between Apple and GE is providing developers with the tools to make their own powerful industrial IoT apps,” said John Flannery, Chairman and CEO, GE. “Our customers increasingly need to arm their workforces through mobility. Working together, GE and Apple are giving industrial companies access to powerful apps that help them tap into the predictive data and analytics of Predix right on their iPhone or iPad.”

GE公司董事长兼首席执行官John Flannery说:“苹果和GE的合作为开发人员提供了强大的工业物联网app工具。我们的客户越来越需要通过移动方式来武装他们的员工。通过合作,GE和苹果正在为工业公司提供功能强大的app,帮助他们在iPhone或iPad上利用Predix的预测数据和分析数据。”
The new Predix SDK for iOS will be available to download on Thursday, October 26. The SDK gives developers the ability to make powerful, native apps that take full advantage of the industrial analytics from Predix and tap into the power and ease of use of iOS, the world’s most advanced mobile operating system. 

新的适用于iOS的Predix SDK将于10月26日星期四发布。SDK为开发人员提供了强大的原生app,可以充分利用Predix的工业分析功能,以及世界上最先进的移动操作系统iOS的强大功能和易用性。

These apps will give industrial operators more insight and visibility into the performance of their equipment and operations right from their iPhone or iPad. For example, a Predix app can notify a worker on their iPhone of a potential issue with equipment such as a wind turbine and allow them to collaborate with remote teams when performing inspections and repairs, collecting relevant data instantly. These industrial apps will close the information loop faster, ultimately increasing cost savings and minimizing unplanned downtime. 

这些app将使工业运营商能够从其iPhone或iPad更好地了解自己的设备性能和运营表现。例如,一款Predix app可以通过iPhone提醒工作人员风力涡轮机等设备的潜在问题,并允许他们在进行检查和维修时与远程团队进行协作,即时收集相关数据。这些工业app能更快速地关闭信息回路,从而最终降低公司成本并最大限度地减少停机时间。

In collaboration with Apple, GE is also developing apps for both internal use and its customers, giving workers powerful tools to enhance their jobs and help operations run more efficiently. GE’s Asset Performance Management (APM) Cases app, which is available in the App Store®, helps industrial businesses increase machine reliability and availability while reducing maintenance costs and managing operations risks. Customers including Exelon Corp. are already putting APM to work and seeing improved equipment uptime and overall productivity. 

在与苹果合作的过程中,GE也在开发供内部及其客户使用的APP,为员工提供一系列工具改进工作,提升企业运营效率。GE的资产绩效管理(APM)案例 app可在App Store下载,这款app有助于工业企业提升机械可靠性及可用性,同时减少维护成本并控制运营风险。Exelon公司等客户已经开始在日常工作中使用APM,设备运转时间和整体生产力都得到了有效提升。

GE will standardize on iPhone and iPad for mobile devices and also promote Mac® as a choice for its global workforce of more than 330,000 employees. Apple will promote GE’s Predix as the industrial IoT analytics platform of choice to its customers and developers.


标签: GE
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