
来源/作者:中华工控网| 发布:智能装备网|发布时间:2021-11-25|阅读:395

The OPC Foundation Welcomes Inovance (China) as its 800th Member

The OPC Foundation is proud to welcome Inovance as the 800th OPC Foundation member. As a leading global provider of industrial automation solutions, Inovance uses agile production techniques and deep experience across all industry sectors to help companies establish and maintain industry-specific business units around the world. More than a products company, Inovance builds long-term partnerships with its customers providing them with access to world-class R&D and manufacturing and highly skilled engineering and industry-sector specialists.


Dr. Yang Lei, director of research and development at Inovance, commented on the decision to join the OPC Foundation, "We are honored to join the OPC Foundation. OPC UA will play a significant role in our factory automation software and industrial Internet of things platforms."


Dr. Yang continued, "This is an important step for Inovance as it helps us transform our automation solutions into digital transformation and intelligent factory solutions. The OPC UA standard is particularly attractive to us because it is system agnostic, has broad multi-function capabilities, and is secure. This enables us to integrate data from controllers, drivers, sensors and devices with our edge and cloud applications for data analysis–effectively enabling us to build network architectures that span every layer in the factory.”

“这也是汇川从自动化解决方案,迈向数字化、智能化工厂解决方案的重要一步。OPC UA标准对我们尤其有吸引力,因为它与系统无关,具有广泛的多功能性,安全性也有保障。这使我们能够将来自控制器、驱动器、传感器和设备端的数据整合到我们的边缘端和云端,进行数据分析,从而有效地使我们能够构建跨越工厂每一层的网络架构。”杨博士补充道。

Albert Zhang, managing director, OPC China, said, "As an international and a Chinese National Standard, OPC UA is well-positioned to contribute to the Made in China 2025 initiative. OPC UA enables China's manufacturers to take advantage of IIoT era data interoperability in their own factories and helps make their automation products more competitive internationally.” 

OPC基金会中国区首席代表张誉评论说:“OPC UA作为一个国际标准和中国国家标准,完全有能力为“中国制造2025”战略做出贡献。OPC UA可以让中国的制造商利用工业物联网时代工厂数据的互操作性,帮助他们的自动化产品在国际上更具竞争力。”

Mr. Zhang continued, “Inovance is a great example of a leading Chinese company truly taking advantage of what OPC UA has to offer. We welcome Inovance to the OPC Foundation and look forward to the OPC UA enabled products and solutions it will bring to the market.”

张誉继续表示,“汇川就是一个非常好的例子,作为一家领先的中国公司,汇川真正利用了OPC UA提供的优势。我们欢迎汇川加入OPC基金会,并期待其支持OPC UA的产品和解决方案推向市场。”

Stefan Hoppe, president and executive director of the OPC Foundation, welcomed Inovance as an official member. "It is gratifying to see our membership grow to new heights. Today, I am particularly pleased to welcome Inovance, a Chinese company with truly global relevance across many industry verticals."

OPC基金会主席兼执行董事Stefan Hoppe欢迎汇川成为正式会员,他表示:“很开心看到我们的会员数达到一个新高度。今天,我特别高兴欢迎汇川加入我们,这是一家在全球涉足众多领域的中国公司。”

Mr. Hoppe explained, "Inovance is involved in an incredible number of markets that range from elevators, electric vehicles, and robotics to plastics, packaging, and steel production, to name a few. As a member, Inovance can now share its expertise by participating in OPC UA Companion Specification development efforts run by the OPC Foundation and other industry organizations. We look forward to the input that Inovance has to offer in helping make OPC UA interoperability technology more relevant to more industries than ever."

Hoppe先生解释道:“汇川涉及的市场众多,从电梯、电动汽车、机器人到塑料、包装和钢铁生产等等。作为会员,汇川现在可以通过OPC基金会与其他行业组织运作的各类OPC UA配套规范来分享其专业知识。我们期待汇川能够做出贡献,帮助OPC UA互操作性技术与更多行业建立联系,甚至比以往任何时候都更加密切。”

标签: 汇川
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