
来源/作者:中华工控网| 发布:智能装备网|发布时间:2021-11-25|阅读:465

China  adopts  EtherCAT  as  a  national  technology  standard


October21, 2014--EtherCAT has seen strong global use for more than 10 years, and accordingly, the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) has indeed grown into a global organization. A new milestone – not only for the ETG, but for the technology itself – was achieved today: EtherCAT is now a national technology standard in China. On October 21st, Dr. Wei Sun, representative of the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), made the announcement at a ceremony in Beijing.

10月21日消息——EtherCAT 协议在全球已有10余年的应用,EtherCAT 技术协会(ETG)也已经成为一个国际化组织。现在,无论是对ETG还是 EtherCAT 技术本身来说,迎来了一个新的里程碑——EtherCAT 成为中国推荐性国家标准。孙维博士代表中国国家标准化管理委员会(SAC)在北京的仪式上宣布了这一消息。

Hosted by ITEI president, Prof. Jinsong Ouyang, the event brought together numerous experts from a wide range of industries on October 21st in the official guest house of the Chinese government. There, SAC Director, Dr. Wei Sun announced EtherCAT as National Standard GB/T 31230 in China.

10月21日,ITEI所长欧阳劲松教授在北京钓鱼台国宾馆主持了官方发布会,来自多个领域的众多专家齐聚一堂见证这一里程碑事件。中国国家标准化管理委员会主任孙维博士宣布EtherCAT成为GB/T 31230中国推荐性国家标准。

As a special highlight, Chinese company representatives shared experiences with their numerous EtherCAT systems and applications with the audience and explained the benefits realized through implementation. When Yunying Huang, Vice President of Shenyang Machine Tool R&D Institute Shanghai, introduced the company’s new, intelligent i5 CNC machine tool entirely based on EtherCAT, he emphasized that performance, openness, and the large product selection available from many of the world’s largest vendors were the main decisive factors for selecting EtherCAT. Dr. Frank de Schepper, CEO of Wenzhou-headquartered SIBonAC Laser Technologies, which is also heavily involved in CNC applications, reported the benefits of EtherCAT for his company: “The EtherCAT protocol is open, easier to use, and faster than alterntive protocols.”

作为发布会的一大亮点,来自中国不同厂商的代表和与会者分享了他们各自在 EtherCAT系统实施和应用方面的经验并阐述了其好处。来自沈阳机床上海研究院的黄云鹰副总经理为大家展示了沈阳机床基于EtherCAT研发的全新i5智能数控平台,他强调了EtherCAT优越的性能,开放性以及广泛的产品选择是其采用 EtherCAT 的最主要决定因素。温州SIBONAC激光技术公司首席执行官Frank de Schepper博士谈到EtherCAT 对于其公司的价值:“EtherCAT 协议充分开放,通讯速度更快,使用和实施更为简单。选择EtherCAT 是我们公司的长期战略。” 

In addition, Prof. Ji Huan from Beihang University explained from a research point of view how CNC machines benefit from EtherCAT. Huan stated: “Besides the performance, I see the main advantage of EtherCAT for Chinese users and implementers alike being the excellent support that the technology enjoys in China. Training classes and workshops, sample code, documentation, and implementation support, as well as test and certification services, are readily available.” In close cooperation with ITEI, several ETG member companies from China, as well as the local EtherCAT Competence Center at Beihang University in Beijing, contributed significantly to the completion of the standard.

此外,来自北京航空航天大学Ji Huan教授从其研究的角度出发解释了CNC机器设备如何受益于EtherCAT。Huan教授表示:“除了EtherCAT 卓越的性能,我看到EtherCAT 为中国用户提供了充分便利的条件学习和使用该技术,如培训、专题研讨会、样本代码、各种文档手册、实施支持,以及测试和一致性认证等均可有。”通过与ITEI的紧密合作,中国的一些ETG 会员公司和北京航空航天大学的EtherCAT一致性测试中心为国标化工作做出了巨大的贡献。

The worldwide adoption of EtherCAT, especially in China today, was clearly demonstrated in the presentations of Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group, as well as Beryl Fan, Manager of the ETG China office in Beijing.“With over 400 local members, the ETG has grown tremendously in China, particularly over the past few years. Acceptance as a Chinese National Standard is a significant milestone for our organization. With this development it will now be even easier for end users, manufacturers, and vendors to understand, implement, and use EtherCAT in the future,”explained Fan.

EtherCAT 技术协会主席Martin Rostan 先生以及ETG 中国经理范斌女士在发布会上详细介绍了EtherCAT 技术在全球范围的应用,特别是在中国的实施和应用 情况。范斌表示:“中国本土 ETG 会员在迅速增长,目前已经达到 400 多家。成为中国推荐性国家标准 是 EtherCAT 技术及 ETG 发展的里程碑。基于这样的标准,EtherCAT 将更加易于中国的最终 用户,制造商和产品供应商理解,实施和使用。”

Rostan adds: “China is growing into the world’s largest automation market, and we are pleased to see the outstanding adoption rate of EtherCAT within this market in all kinds of applications, from machine controls, power generation and distribution, to mobile applications, scientific systems, and beyond. Becoming a recommended national standard in China will further boost the success of EtherCAT, providing even more local language access to the technology and ensuring acceptance in all publicly-funded projects.”

Martin Rostan补充道:“中国正在成长为世界上最大的自动化市场,而我们非常欣喜的看到在所有类型的机器控制,发电和输配电,车辆控制系统,科学系统及更多的领域内, EtherCAT 都拥有很高的采纳率。而现在成为一个中国推荐性国家标准将进一步 EtherCAT 的 成功,因为它将以本地语言提供该技术规范并确保其在所有公共投资的项目中被采纳。”

The ceremony closed with live demonstrations of various EtherCAT systems featuring Chinese and international EtherCAT products.


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